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Adelaide University
- PHD MOLECULAR ECOLOGY (1.2012 ‐ 12.2015)
- Thesis: “Antarctic biodiversity surveys using high throughput sequencing: Understanding landscape and communities of the Prince-Charles-Mountains.”
- Mentors: Dr. Mark Stevens, Dr. Laurence Clarke, Prof. Dr. Alan Cooper
University of Leipzig, British Antarctic Survey
- MSC BIOLOGY (Zoology, Genetics, Botany, Plant Physiology; 6.2005 ‐ 9.2010)
- Thesis: “Origins of Antarctic Tardigrades”.
- Mentors: Dr. Chester Sands, Dr. Mark Stevens, Prof. Dr. Peter Convey
Research experience:
Helmholtz Institute for Metabolic, Obesity and Vascular Research
- STAFF SCIENTIST (since 11.2022)
- Statistical analyses development (R:linear mixed effect modelling, general additive modelling,differential protein and gene expression analyses, functional protein and gene analyses)
- Multi‐Omics data processing (Proteomics, RNAseq, Microarrays, WGS data Bash,Python, R)
- Multi‐Omics pipeline development (SLURM, Nexflow, Snakemake)
Otago University ‐ Department of Anatomy
- Analysis of environmental DNA from marine conservation areas.
- Genome reconstruction of extinct giant eagle Harpagornis moorei
- Eukkayotic environmental DNA analysis of Antarctic soils (PrinceCharlesMountains)
- Colorimetric LAMP assays of Undaria pinnatifida
Cornell University ‐ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Analysis of environmental DNA from global shipping ports. NSF grant 1427157
- Prokayotic environmental DNA analysis of Antarctic soils (Vestfold Hills)
- Colorimetric LAMP assays of Hydrilla verticillata
Max‐Plank‐Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology ‐ Molecular Ecology
- RESEARCH ASSISTANT (1.2007 ‐ 10.2009)
- Extraction, sequencing, and analysis of various ancient DNA samples
- Sanger, 454, Illumina sequencing
- Molecular cloning